What is Non Invasive Lipo?
If you’ve looked up tummy tuck prices, you’ll know just how expensive bariatric type surgeries can be. But there’s cheaper, painless and fuss-free option to zapping those stubborn fat areas: non invasive laser lipo.
Exactly what is non invasive lipo? This form of non surgical lipo laser is a great alternative to surgical liposuction or the more traditional tummy tuck. It’s also one of the safest and fastest ways to remove fat.
Non invasive liposuction can be used on numerous areas of the body, particularly:
- Back
- Thighs
- Face
- Knees
- Hips
- Buttocks
- Cheeks
- Neck
- Chin
- Upper arms
More About Laser Lipo
Liposuction is a non invasive treatment that uses ultrasound cavitation therapy on targeted areas of the body. These are those stubborn areas that just haven’t responded to traditional diet and exercise.
Ultrasonic liposuction uses low levels of laser energy which zap the fat cells, expelling fat naturally from your body. Less fat in the body then means visible centimetres are lost in the area that is treated.
How Many Sessions?
When looking into what is non invasivelipo, it’s a good idea to undergo a course of about eight treatments over four to six weeks for maximum results. Since this procedure is non invasive, you don’t require any recovery time.
Different Types of Non Invasive Lipo
- Zerona
The Zerona machine kind of looks like a spider. It works to stimulate fat cells via four lasers and is completely painless. The machine creates a small opening in the patient’s fat cells membrane and the cell is collapsed to a smaller size. Spot fat can be reduced by as much as 9cm in a fortnight.
- 3D-Lipo
This procedure uses a mix of technologies to reduce cellulite and fat while leaving the skin tighter and better shaped. This is great for a post-birth tummy. 3 stages are used: firstly a low-frequency ultrasound is used to break up fat cells; then radio-frequency skin tightening contracts collagen fibres to stimulate new collage; and finally a vacuum therapy tightens the skin.
- Cool Sculpting
This process works by freezing fat cells which are the crystallised and metabolised by your immune system. Interestingly this procedure was first discovered when scientists witnessed children eating ice lollies and noticed dimpling on their cheeks from loss of fat.
Cool sculpting is ideal for small bulges of fat that just won’t shift such as around the stomach, thighs and upper arms.
- Med Contour
Med contour utilises low frequency ultrasound to warm and break down connective tissue and redistribute it through the body. Fluids and toxins are then drained through the lymphatic system.
Liposuction Price
Liposuction is typically a lot cheaper than traditional, invasive surgery and many salons run some great specials.
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* Watch this before and after video on YouTube