
Thigh Liposuction to Improve Your Upper Legs

No doubt you’ve heard of procedures like chin lipo, buttocks and hip non-surgical procedures and even upper arm laser lipo. But have you considered thigh liposuction?

The Inner Thighs

The inner, as well as upper thigh is a pretty common area of concern for many men and women looking to have laser liposuction done. Lipo laser on the upper thighs can drastically improve the shape of your legs and reduce chaffing of the inner thighs if you are heavily overweight.

Thighs and Knees

Often, people undergoing thigh liposuction have knee liposuction at the same time. Many women, in particular, who have larger thighs have fat that extends over the extent of the thigh and knee. If the two areas were to be treated separately, they may appear uneven with bulges of fat between the thighs and knees. So having non surgical liposuction on these areas at the same time can offer smoother results.

Thigh Liposuction

Thigh liposuction returns shapeliness to your upper legs

Elasticity of the Skin

If you have prominent inner thigh fat, but great skin elasticity, you can expect great results with thigh lipo. However, if the thigh skin is excessively wrinkly, non surgical lipo may not offer a satisfactory improvement.

This is common in older patients and people who lost a considerable amount of weight. The skin overlying the inner thigh tends to be significantly wrinkled. Lipo won’t improve the appearance of wrinkles in this case and may even worsen the wrinkling.

However, patients with little to no wrinkling on the inner and upper thighs can expect their thigh shape to be vastly improved and the skin tightened with thigh liposuction.

There Are Alternatives

While a liposuction price is far more favourable to surgery, those who cannot tolerate excessive wrinkles of the upper thighs, there’s the option of a surgical thigh lift.

But, think about this: compared to non-surgical lipo, a thigh lift will leave you with scarring which may look worse than the wrinkling.

So if you have minimal thigh fat and wrinkling, non surgical treatment really is the way to go.

After the Procedure

Caring for your thighs after the procedure is really simple. If you need to wear a dressing or compression garment, you can easily change these without assistance.

The recovery period after thigh liposuction is minimal. In fact, you can be back at work straight after a session of treatment.

The Cost of Lipo

The cost of lipo varies and many salons offer some great specials – simply look around in your area.

As for medical aid coverage – that’s non-existent when it comes to lipo or something like tummy tuck prices, for example.

But, with medical finance you could well afford to have thigh liposuction!

Simply click on the banner and within 48 hours you’ll know if you qualify for medical funding along with fantastic interest rates and great repayment options.

Click here to apply for medical finance for non surgical thigh liposuction