
Arm Liposuction to Improve Your Upper Arms

Arm liposuction is a possible solution for those this weighty upper arms that can be a real problem. Clothing selection is awkward and these so-called “batwings” can even interfere with some day to day activities. But it’s treatable.

The most common treatment is an upper arm lift, or, arm liposuction. Laser lipo is an effective way to improve the arms overall shape.

Non Surgical Liposuction

Lipo laser on the upper arm can slim the area and induce shrinkage of the skin which means incision and the scar resulting from that are minimal. The procedure is done circumferentially, often close to the skins surface which helps to induce shrinkage. If you choose to undergo this type of laser liposuction, you may be required to wear a special compression sleeve for a few weeks to help the skin shrink.

Are You Eligible for Arm Liposuction?

Arm liposuction could do away with the flab on your upper arms

Arm liposuction is a quick and easy way to firm and shapely arms

If you’ve tried to lose weight fast through diet and exercise alone to no avail, maybe you’re eligible for liposuction.

One of the simplest way you will be evaluated is with the punch test. A doctor will carry out the test on patients who have a minimum of 1.5cm of fat around the upper arm area. Your arm will be bent to a 90 degree angle with the elbow flexed. The arm is then measured from below the humerus.

With the technological advances in ultrasonic liposuction, categorisation can be based on skin excess as well as fat excess.

Contraindications of Ultrasound Liposuction

As with any procedure there is the chance of contraindications. The main arm liposuction contraindication is being left with minimal fat excess but also moderate skin excess. This is more typical in older patients who have lost a certain amount of weight and are left with too much skin around the upper arms. Before such a person goes under the knife though, lipo could well be the answer.

The Build-Up to Lipo

Prior to the procedure you will be instructed to stop using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; aspirin; vitamin E as well as any tobacco products. You’ll also be requested to decrease your salt intake about a week before the procedure.

Preparing for Arm Liposuction

Your doctor will discuss the differences between surgery and lipo with you. Increasingly, lipo is being used in preference to surgery and more and more people are preferring to undergo aggressive vaserlipo directly under the skin area that is to be removed.

This method allows the preservation of lymphatics while at the same time thinning out the flap of skin that has to be removed.

Liposuction Price

While medical aids in the country typically don’t cover lipo or even tummy tuck prices, you may be eligible for medical finance. Medical finance offers competitive interest rates and attractive payment options. To find out if you qualify, click on the banner on this page or go directly to the Incred website.