Different Types of Weight Loss Surgery
Apart from the negative impact on your health, the social and psychological aspects of obesity can make overweight people most miserable. Adults can be cruel to one another and an overweight person may battle to get a job or find a partner. Being fat can lead to social problems, and many overweight people isolate themselves for fear of being stared at or ignored. It has been claimed that in South Africa, some 61% of the population is overweight. That’s why so many people are looking at different types of weight loss surgery.
When Weight Loss is Medically Necessary
Maybe special diets haven’t helped. Carrying around a lot of weight puts a strain on the body. It can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Weight loss surgery in South Africa is becoming more popular. This is in spite of the fact that in South Africa, a gastric bypass can cost more than R100 000. Most people can’t afford this. Included in the price is the surgeon fees, anaesthetists, theatre, hospital fees and different tests.
Medical aids in South Africa have always regarded weight loss surgery as a cosmetic procedure. This has meant them not covering the costs of weight loss surgery. Medical aids are however, changing their tune now and starting to pay out for weight loss related surgery. A physician will have to state that the operation is medically necessary for the health of the patient.
Discovery Health was one of the first insurers to cover weight loss surgery on their Executive and Comprehensive Plans. Other schemes which cover weight loss surgery are Momentum Health, Bonitas Medical Aid, Metropolitan Health and Medshield.
Different Types of Weight Loss Surgery
Liposuction is another form of weight loss surgery. It makes use of tube and vacuum devices to remove fat deposits on the thighs, hips, knees and buttocks. Surgery lasts a couple of hours and permanent improvements to body contour is achieved. Another type of weight loss surgery in South Africa is biliopancreatic diversion. Part of your stomach is removed. You can lose more weight with this procedure than with gastric bypass surgery but it comes with more complications.
Bariatric surgery encompasses different procedures. The more common one is gastric bypass surgery. The surgeon will divide your stomach into a small upper section and a larger bottom section. The top part of the stomach, known as the pouch, can only hold a small amount of food. Gastric bypass can be done in two different ways – open surgery or a laparoscopy. The advantage of this kind of surgery is that there is less pain, a quicker recovery and smaller scars.
After surgery, you will stay in hospital for about 3 days. The surgeon will give you a diet and exercise programme to maintain your weight loss. This weight loss surgery helps you lose weight because your stomach becomes smaller. You eat less and are content not to eat more. You need to know that all surgery carries some risk. Being obese makes complications more likely. Make sure you get a thorough checkup with a qualified and reputable surgeon to discover potential problems before surgery.
An Improvement in Medical Conditions
Weight loss surgery will certainly make you lose weight. The amount you lose will depend on factors such as your height and weight before surgery, your diet, exercise and lifestyle. The size the surgeon makes your stomach will also make a difference in weight loss. Most people lose in the region of 10 to 20 pounds a month in the first year after surgery.
By sticking to a good diet and doing exercise from the onset, you will lose more weight. With weight loss you will find an improvement in medical conditions such as diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and asthma. Certainly weighing less will make it easier for you to get around and do your day to day activities.
Health Benefits and Being Mobile are Priceless
Weight loss surgery is expensive if you don’t have a medical aid that covers the costs. There are however, myriad benefits to be derived from going through with it. Most people who have had the surgery will tell you that the health benefits and mobility far outweigh the costs of the surgery.